Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose us?

We believe that the most important part of the development process is effective communication, trust and understanding between developers and clients. 

Software projects by their nature are not always completely defined at the outset and it is our goal to provide the solution that best fits your evolving needs. Some companies prefer to maximise profits by charging per hour for every small change. We prefer to take a more pragmatic approach and find the balance between profit and client happiness. A happy client is worth substantially more than an unhappy one! 

Our primary aim as a company is to cultivate mutual trust relationships with our clients, so that we can work together effectively in the long term to support and build robust,innovative solutions. 

We strive to offer easy,effective and immediate communication. Nothing is more irritating than being unable to move a project forward for several days due to unavailability.


One of the most common questions we get asked is about whether we prefer to work with a fixed price contract or on hourly/daily rates.

The short answer to this is that we are flexible. If the work is completely defined and the requirements are clear we are happy to provide fixed price quotes. If there is likely to be a lot of back and forth throughout the project an hourly or daily rate is likely to be more suitable.

Remote Working

We have always worked primarily remotely with occasional onsite visits where necessary. We use a range of technologies to enable us to practically be in your office. Software such as slack for instant communication, Skype/Zoom, screen sharing tools. We are only ever a message away.

Working with a range of technologies

We work with a broad range of technologies with specialities in MS Excel and MS Office, VBA, MS .NET, Databases and Web Work.

Get in touch

Get in touch

Schedule a call, or fill in the form or live chat and we will be in touch!

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